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when i try to start the game the game area is just black browser is firefox

Uhm thats very odd there should be a loading screen right away... I am still working on the game but it will take a while till i can get back to it... 
Thanks for letting me know i can indeed confirm this error in firefox. I will look into this. Strangly enough in chrome its working...

Hi, i checked it through and it seems that firefox changed something with the input handling. However, now its working for me :) It would be great if you could try again and let me know! Thanks again for reporting.

Will there be more girls after the level? Currently i only get the first girl after every level.

Thats a bug currently. If you die in a level and then complete it the girl from the first level will appear. It will befixed soon.

Deleted 139 days ago

Thanks for reporting, should be fixed now :)

Deleted 139 days ago

Thats fantastic :) Would you mind telling me what you like / dislike about the game? i am trying to get some feedback, so i know hot to continue after my hiatus :) if so or so, thanks for the feedback!

Deleted 139 days ago

2 problems:

1) game always tries to go fullscreen

2) controls bubbled to top window opening find bar. result is following key sequence: A - Esc - W - Esc...


Hi Bogudan, thanks for reporting! 
1) You can disable fullscreen in the options. I changed this in the next version defaulting to "No Fullscreen" :)

2) can you elaborate on this? I am sorry, but i dont understand. For me the controlls work fine, maybe i am missing something? 

Thanks again!


In FF settings enable "Search for text when you start typing" option and try to use WASD keys to move character.

Ufff, never heared of this, thanks for letting me know, i will see what i can do :D


Probably you just need for keyboard events call preventDefault ().

Thanks! ill try this later tonight!

Hey Bogudan, would you mind trying it again? I currently dont have access to my PC so i can only try in a while...


Is this going to have futa?


As of yet its not planned, maybe i make another version in the future...




Well thanks ^^ i accidentally published it to early haha :D uploading a fixed version right now!